
The Letter Black - Hanging On By A Thread - Music Study

Knowing what someone is feeling even if they are trying to hide their emotions isn't impossible. But, without getting to know that person by talking with them and listening, understanding how they feel is very difficult.

Mark Anthony, the one who plays guitar and sings background vocals in the band - and is married to the lead singer, Sarah Anthony - said, "Our songs are not always happy, but rather about real life situations. All of us go through different chapters in our lives, and in these chapters we write letters of good and bad times. Some letters in our chapters we are happy to share. Others we are not so proud to reveal."

This song is a song filled with sadness, desperation, and a longing to be rescued and to be made safe. It's the same type of feeling revealed in many Psalms.

Read Psalm 61:1-4.

What similarities do you see between the song and the Psalm?
What do you think Scripture says about people "hanging on by a thread"?

Read Isaiah 56:1-7.

Who is included in God's blessings?
Who is excluded?

Read Acts 10:9-16.

What did God call acceptable?
Peter thought that eating forbidden food was an abomination. How could God call eating the food acceptable?
What do you Jesus is trying to tell us in this scripture passage?

Read Matthew 7:1-3.

What single word descriptions would you use for this passage?

God loves everyone. No exceptions. No matter what we have done or who we are. God's love is for everyone. If you're ever at a place where you feel like you're hanging on by a thread, please know that God is with you. Share with someone you trust. You are not alone.

Closing Prayer:
God of unconditional love, thank You for understanding us and for loving us through the best and worst times. Help us to share that unconditional love with all. Amen.

YLO 80 Music Study. written by Kirk Moore, kirk@revkirk.com

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