
4th Sunday Ordinary Time Rdgs & Reflection

January 30, 2011 ~ Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Liturgical Year A, Cycle I

First Reading: Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12-13
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:26-31
Gospel: Matthew 5:1-12a

Summary of the Gospel

Many self-help gurus say that ‘attitude is everything’, and for once Jesus would agree with them. However, the Lord’s definition of attitude is a little different than those who we come to see on infomercials. Let’s take a look at what Jesus says about attitude. This passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew brings us to the beginning of the preaching ministry of Jesus. Chapters 5 through 7 are referred to as the ‘Sermon on the Mount’, the greatest sermon/teaching ever given. Jesus lays down for all His disciples the demands of love, a love that is characterized by imitating Christ. We know that this love led Jesus to make a total donation of Himself on the Cross. Jesus calls us all to a new attitude – a Beatitudes, that is. The beginning of the Sermon on the Mount is seen in today’s Gospel with the listing of the Beatitudes, the series of blessings and promises that Christ gives His disciples. The Beatitudes represent the ‘inside’ life of the Christian. They show us what our hearts should be like. If we can master our interior life with God, then we will be able to live and do all that He commands of us. The Beatitudes promise those who are able to give their lives to God an interior peace in this life, and most importantly the reality of eternal life with God in the next life. Jesus tells us that no matter how bad things get here on earth – and they may get really bad, He will guarantee us eternal life if we keep our hearts focused on Him. Meditating and reflecting on the Beatitudes can be vital to our spiritual growth. Take time alone with the Lord in prayer to look over each Beatitude and reflect upon how well you are living it. Living a life of the Beatitudes will cause us to be different than the rest of the crowd. We will become lights in the darkness, and people will be attracted to the peace that comes from us. While the self-help people may have some good advice on occasion, you and I are called to follow the Source of good advice, Jesus. By trusting in God on a daily basis, you and I will be able to focus on the greatest treasure anyone could have: A loving relationship with Jesus that lasts for eternity.

Reflection Questions

1. Make a chart of the Beatitudes, listing the ‘Blessings’ on one side and the ‘Promises’ on the other. Which blessings stand out for you? Which promises do you most relate to and hope for? Why?

2. The Beatitudes speak about future promises and future rewards from God. Why is it so difficult for people today to be focused on ‘future’ rewards? What elements in our society push us to want things ‘now’, without any waiting?

3. Who in your life has been an example of the Beatitudes? What do you need to do in your life to better live a life of the Beatitudes on the inside (in your heart)?

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