
Liturgy 101 - Sun, April 17

Liturgy 101 is in the planning guide that we as youth ministers receive from LifeTeen.  Thought you all would like to know a little bit more about the Mass.

April 17th Liturgy 101

In addition to being a prayer for our body and mind, the movement of our bodies at Mass (sitting, kneeling, bowing, genuflecting, etc) have another important function.  The Church sees a symbol of unity for those who have come together to worship and a means to foster the unity.  We are not free to change the movements to suit our own needs, for the Church makes it clear that our unity in the movements of Mass is an expression of our participation in the one Body formed by the baptized with Christ.  When we stand, sit, kneel, bow, and sign ourselves in common action, we are giving witness that we are indeed the Body of Christ, united in heart, mind, and spirit.

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