
Seder Meal Service Opportunity - April 12th

** Disciples Confirmation Teens:  unfortunately, you have class during the Seder Meal, so you are unable to help. **

Hey, teens of St Thomas!  Here's a service opportunity for you:

There is a Seder Meal being held in the Social Hall on Tues, April 12th from 6:30-9:00 pm.
The event organizer are requesting assistance - servers.  If you would like to serve the people of St Thomas, please call Sharon Kowal (678 665 5459) and sign up.
You will need to be there by 5:30 pm dressed in white shirts, black skirt or pants and comfortable and safe shoes. 

If you'd like to know what a Seder Meal is, here are some internet resources:

The Seder Meal as a Christian Home Celebration

The Passover Meal, part 1

Seder Meal menu

Seder Connects Us to Our Roots

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