
God is Good!

It has become a simple call and response for Deepa and the CORE to get your attention. “God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.” But why do we say this. To say that God is good, means so much more than I think any of us truly realize. What does it mean for God to be good? For that matter, what is good? And what does it mean to be good?
            Sometimes in our society, we use words in places that they sometimes don’t belong. Good is one of them. How many times can you count that your mom or dad has told you to be good? You probably took this to mean to not get into trouble. It seems to me that good has been almost used in as a slang term in this example. I think partly it is because English doesn’t have enough words in the language to describe half of what someone truly needs to say and partly it is because we can get lazy with our speech. For example, people talk in text lingo now. Instead of saying I’m just kidding they simply say jk. See what I’m saying, lazy. Good has become a term of laziness for telling someone to not get in trouble. So let’s apply that meaning to God. When we say God is good, are we saying God doesn’t get into trouble? I don’t think so. It means something totally different.
            Now I want everyone to think of your favorite food, wouldn’t you describe it as good? We say it all the time, “this pizza is good, this burger is good”, ect. What we are really saying here is that it is desirable, meaning that it is wanted. So apply this to God. When we say that God is Good, we are saying that HE is desirable. He is desirable all the time. With that being said, do we DESIRE God all the time? In every aspect of our lives do we DESIRE the Lord?
            Now let’s turn this around… In the book of Genesis, we are told the story of Creation. After God created everything, He said it was good. But after HE created man, He said it was VERY GOOD. “So God created man in HIS own image, in the image of God HE created him; male and female HE created them…and behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:27, 31. In this story we see that God sees us, man, HIS greatest creation, as very good. To God we are DESIRABLE. God desires us with HIS whole being. We see the depth of this desire in Jesus on the cross, God desired us to be with HIM so much, HE came and died so we could be with HIM. That’s desire my friends.
            Next time we say God is Good, think about how you desire HIM and how much HE desires you.

Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, Pray for Us!

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