
Celebrating All Saints' Day

Fra Angelico's Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs

All Saints' Day (November 1st) is a holy day of obligation.  English Mass times: 7pm vigil tonight.  Tues, 7 am and 12 pm.  Spanish Mass:  8:30 pm vigil tonight.  Tues, 8:30 pm.

Why do we celebrate All Saints' Day?

All throughout the year, there are specific feast days for specific saints (Maria Goretti, St Catherine of Siena, St Martin de Porres, etc).  But, on All Saints Day, we celebrate the lives of the saints that are unknown, or that do not have a specific feast day!  All of the souls who are in heaven are saints, and not all of them have been recofnized as such in the Church calendar. So, we have All Saints' Day to celebrate their lives.  We ask for their prayers and we ask them to intercede for us.

For more information, check out Mark Hart's "What the Hallow is Going On?"

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