
October Jewelry Sale Fundraiser sign-up OPEN (2nd weekend)

You may now sign-up for October Jewelry Sale fundraiser.  First come, first serve, txt me only (678-350-3548).  Deepa will reply to your msg with either a YES (and further information) or NO (and reason).  

*** To reserve a fundraiser spot, you Must TXT me.  TXT is the only acceptable form of communication.  FB does not count.  :)

There are only 3 fundraiser teen spots available for each Mass.  And, yes, you can sign up for the entire weekend.  The money fundraised through the October Jewelry Sale Fundraiser may be used for the following Life Teen trips/events:

  • Life Teen retreats (Confirmation retreat, Girls retreat, Guys retreat, Spring Retreat)
  • Steubenville Atlanta
  • Mission Trip -- deposit only
    • if you are a 2012 Life Teen missionary (CHWC), all of your Mission Trip fundraisers will pay for your mission trip, sans your $100 deposit.  Please do not sign-up for the Coffee/Donuts if you've paid your deposit.
  • Corn Maize
  • Camping Trip/Rafting
  • Lock-In
  • Nun Run
  • CLI deposit (for M&M's only)
You cannot use fundraiser money to purchase Life Teen items for sale (merchandise or food). The money you raise at a fundraiser goes into a Life Teen account for you.  It expires at the end of Life Teen year - August 1st through July 31st.  If you do not use your fundraiser money, you lose it.  You may also fundraise for other teens.  If you would like to know how much you have in your fundraiser account, you may contact Deepa in the Life Teen office.

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