
Deas Vail - Excuses - Music Study

Journal Reflection

Think about your day today. Write down excuses that you made in your journal. Reasons you made up for not wanting to do something.

Now, think about a time when someone gave you an excuse. When you were disappointed by a friend. How did you feel?

As you listen and watch this video, think about the phrases that stick out to you and then journal the following questions (they're listed after the video):

  • What does this song have to do with excuses?
  • What is the singer trying to convince you to do?
  • What kind of "damage" do you think he's referring to?
  • What do you think he means by what "we could become"?

How do we as Catholic-Christians make excuses?

Read Out Loud 1 Peter 1:13-16.

We are Children of God, and therefore God expects us to act in a certain way. We are sinners, of course, and we're going to make mistakes, but it's time to stop making excuses and take responsibility.

If you've fallen, run, do not walk to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Call 770.432.8579 to set up an appointment with a priest or come on Saturday at 3pm. Receive the healing power of God's mercy!

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