
What if I haven't finished my service project hours?

 Remaining Good Standing as a  Disciple for 2010-2011 these need to be met:
· Use 3 or less Grace Passes
· Attend one of the two Confirmation retreat (September or March)
· Attend the 7 AD Life Nights
· Attend/Participate in the Tuesday night Disciples classes
· Complete 18 service project hours within the parish community by April 12, 2011
As your youth minister, Deepa pleaded for you and for a 2nd chance. This is the arrangement that has been reached and decided upon by the Confirmation Team for Disciples 10-11 that have not completed their 18 service project hours:
1. Finish the hours you have left by Tues, May 10th and turn in your completed forms. (# of hours is being mailed home to you, and you may also call Deepa in the LT office) & service project hour forms can be found outside Youth Office and online.
2. If you have not completed all of your hours by Tuesday Disciples class on May 10th, the # of hours that are left will be TRIPLED in #.
3. You will sign a statement during the May 10th’s Tuesday Disciples class stating you understand that your remaining hours have been tripled.  The statement will be witnessed and signed by your Disciples catechist and/or Youth Minister.
4. The tripled hours will have to be completed and the forms turned in by Wednesday, July 31, 2011.  (Tripled hours do not count towards your service project hours for Apostles ‘11-’12.)
5. If your service project hours are not completed by Wed, July 31, 2011, you will be released as a Disciple for 2010-2011 and as an Apostle for 2011-2012, and will need to repeat your Disciples program year.
This is a one-time option; it will not be offered during your Apostles year (or your Disciples year should you need to repeat) in 2011-2012.

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